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Story Arts Centre

Journalism student named Student Journalist of the Year

“I honestly could not believe I won,” Lauren LiBetti said.

On May 3, LiBetti was named Student Journalist of the Year at the 60th Annual Ontario Newspaper Awards Gala in Hamilton, Ont.

“I had been so excited about the nomination that I never really considered the possibility of actually winning,” the Centennial College Fast-Track Journalism student said.

Story Arts Centre

Corporate Communications and Public Relations students rake in industry accolades

Last month, Centennial students took home one Bronze and two Gold ACE awards at the annual Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Toronto ACE Awards Gala.

“I was thrilled for our students,” said Barry Waite, professor and coordinator of the CC+PR program. “To be recognized by the Toronto PR community not only recognizes their hard work, but also demonstrates to them the value of what they’re learning at Centennial.”

Story Arts Centre

Big Race wins big award

The Big Race, created by Centennial College students, recently earned a Gold Quill Award in the audio-visual category from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC).

“It’s big,” said Donna Lindell, Project Fusion’s faculty lead, and Corporate Communications and Public Relations (CC+PR) professor. “These are international awards and they receive submissions from all corners of the globe.

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Week 13 – The Poor Journalist’s Toolkit

You’re a journalism student. You open your wallet looking for a fiver but a moth flutters out.

Turns out you don’t quite have the cash to pay for the tools you need to become an award-winning reporter. After all, Photoshop, Office, Audition and Final Cut Pro don’t come cheap. So what to do?

Luckily, there are alternatives that are pretty close to as good as the industry standards.

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Week 10 – Data visualization, aka graphics

One thing is increasingly true wen it comes to journalism online: People don;t like reading long grey blocks of text.

“Small screens and ever-present distractions make it imperative that content be easily digestible and, if possible, interactive,” Tim Currie writes on page 295 of The New Journalist.

He adds that today there are more and more agencies, government included, that are making data public. These can be a goldmine for a journalist. But they tend to be database or spreadsheet tables — not very digestible.

So what to do?

“The answer,” Currie writes, “is data visualizations.”