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Tag Archives: Woodbridge

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Budget consultation attracts little interest from public

Dozens of seats in the cafeteria at Vellore Village Community Centre were empty at Monday’s public budget consultation, leaving the city’s budget chief concerned.

The Woodbridge forum, the first of three in Vaughan’s 2008 draft budget process, was an opportunity for the public to interact with councillors and city staff on how the budget should be crafted.

Move over, gelato, ice cream’s in town

“Sorry about that,” Joan McCullough says as she picks up the phone again. “I’m making ice cream in the back and serving customers in the front.” She’s busy running her new ice cream parlour, Marble Slab Creamery, which opened on Sept. 12 at 31 Colossus Dr. in Woodbridge, a place not unfamiliar with ice cream.

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Woodbridge drywall school expands with building boom

Facing a boom in business, thanks to the boom in building in the Vaughan area, the Interior Systems Contractors Association of Ontario is expanding its Woodbridge school. Opened last year, the 5,000-square-metre Interior Finishing Systems Training Centre, North America’s largest drywall training facility, is already